Tuesday, August 08, 2006

More RAW on Linux Goodness...

Linux.com has a good article about Processing RAW Image Files on Linux. While not an exhaustive discussion on the subject, it provides a very practical description of the current situation with regards to RAW file processing on Linux. It also provides a few links to software I hadn't heard about before. Seems a lot of people are working to improve the situation. One open-source project that looks promising is RawStudio. It's a very young project so you have to download the source and compile it yourself. I think I'll give it a go in the next little while to see how it's shaping up. Plus, I haven't compiled anything on my Ubuntu system yet, and hey, I'm always up for a challenge ;)

One thing that I was glad to see at the RawStudio page was a screenshot showing the ability to paste RAW conversion settings from one image to another, this is tremendously useful and something that UFRaw doesn't do right now.

In fact, while perusing the links provided in the Linux.com article, I was checking out the dcraw page and found links to a whole host of RAW related projects. Many of which already do exactly what I am doing with my simple GUI for UFRaw project. Oh well. I'll still try to get it into working order just to keep my Python skills from fading completely ;)

BTW, the app is not completely dead yet. I'm working on it every so often when I get the chance and I've got most of the main functionality in the GUI already coded. Here's a screenshot:


Anonymous said...

Excellent post, thanks for this mini-review. I took a quick look at RawStudio a month or so ago when Pixmantec was bought by Adobe (see my blog). I haven't got around to using it yet. I really need to have a look... first thing to do is to get the thing compiled! I've been playing around with Adobe Lightroom beta on Windows and it is painful, so moving to Linux full-time for processing my RAW files would be a good thing.