Thursday, May 03, 2007

We're not paying you to use Facebook...

I've written about the seemingly ubiquitous Facebook a couple of times. While I have a Facebook account, I've hardly every used it. A couple of friends and relatives have beckoned me to post some things there (on their "walls"?) but to this point I haven't really complied.

A couple of newsworthy things about Facebook:

1. It was recently reported that Toronto is the 'facebook capital' meaning that this area has the largest facebook contingent (NYC supposedly has around 250,000). Is this a good thing? Dunno.

2. I spotted a CBC story today where the Premier of Ontario (Dalton McGuinty) has stated that he doesn't see how Facebook adds any value to the workplace. As of yesterday, provincial government employees were banned from accessing Facebook. (and YouTube) through their workplace computers.

The article also mentions that more than a few provincial and federal politicians have Facebook pages, so it's not only the 'grunts' that might be pissed off about it.

With records showing these sites being checked more than 20 times an hour in some cased, I have to say I'm glad to hear it. We (Ontarians) are paying the salaries of these people are we not?