Tuesday, November 14, 2006

beta.blogger.woohoo.com baby!

Woohoo!!! I finally found the time to back up my blog (using HTTrack) and you, dear reader, have the privilege of reading the very first post I've written since switching to the new Blogger Beta!

Do I notice a huge difference? Well, not yet (it's only been about 2 minutes since it switched), but you will hopefully find a tag...er 'label' or two to this post. Something that Blogger(tm) bloggers were ashamedly not yet able to do easily.

After backing up my blog, I logged into beta.blogger.com and in two simple steps transferred my blog over. It took about 5 minutes for the email to arrive notifying me of the successful switch. I know OmegaMom was unsuccessful at making the switch a week or so ago, maybe she should try again.

So over the next little while I'll see how much improved this new engine actually is.

Onward and upwards!