Thursday, November 30, 2006

NaBloPoMo Ends - All Out Of Clever Headlines

So there you have it - 40 odd posts later and National Blog Posting Month has come to an end.

Did I learn anything by doing it? A few simple things:

1. Don't expect things to arrive in your head fully fleshed out. Just plant a little sapling there in the editor and let it grow. You don't have to have it all figured out before sitting down. Further, just because you create a post doesn't mean you have to post it. Sometimes things develop better when you let them stew.

2. It ain't so easy. Not so easy to come up with even semi-interesting stuff every day. Bloggers with several quality posts a day have my respect - but I think they're either employed by their blogging or are serious slackers at work.

3. It is mentally and physically impossible for me to consider consistently blogging on one specific topic area. This is a multi-headed beast that I can't tame. Why should I even try?

4. Traffic just about doubled for the month (but remember, doubling almost nothing leaves you with barely something). Was that all due to the NaBloPoMo Randomizer? Some of it to be sure, but not all of it. Frequent posting definitely helps build traffic if that's your thing. Comment frequency increased slightly as well (from sloth-like all the way up to a snail's pace).

5. While I like writing the odd rant, and posts about blogger navel-gazing far and away get the most comments, I have to say that posts that share knowledge (like a tutorial or the solution to some problem) or even posts that share other sources of knowledge feel the most satisfying to me. It always feels better when I contribute something to the mystical ether other than just my opinion.

Will the post-a-day behaviour continue? I think so, for the most part. There's a certain satisfaction that comes in crafting something - anything. And for me anyway, there's always something new I'm playing with, learning about or willing to opine about.

Rock on NaBloPoMo. You taught me something. :)


Anonymous said...

Woot! Good for you.

It was all my cheering that got you through, right!

RichardQuerin said...

That didn't hurt. :)